
Your Douching Routine


A working knowledge of the fist chute helps you direct your douche activies appropriately and can make the difference between a five minute or a five hour douche routine. Toys can also play an important role in your douche routine to help validate you are ready to proceed playing.

It will likely take you several months or even years to develop a routine that works for you, especially for depth play. To help you develop your routine, consider the following questions:


  1. How does my body react to... 我的身体对于这些情况的反应.....

    • 我吃过得东西? 是不是有某种食物对于我的清理工作有益? 我在进行拳交前应该吃什么?应该在什么时候进食?

    • Pharmaceutical supplements? Does fiber or certain laxatives cause irritation inside me? What about anti-diarrheals? Do these items affect me negatively and prevent a good fisting session? 药物作用: 纤维素或者某些通便的药品是否会刺激你的肠道?治疗腹泻的药品呢?这些药品是否会影响我的身体,阻止我完成一次完美的拳交计划呢?

    • Water being injected into my ass? Is it readily expel by my system, or do I need to work and massage it out? 向屁股里面注水呢? 水分很容易从身体里面排出还是需要操作一下甚至按摩才行?

    • Water temperature and salinity content? Does hot water irritate my hole? How about cold water? Or hard/soft water?水的温度和含盐量呢?热水会让屁眼不适吗?冷水以及硬水软水如何呢?

    • Different douche nozzles? Are there certain materials or styles that agitate my hole unnecessarily?'不同的灌肠喷头呢?清洗过程里是不是有一些不需要的原料和方法呢?

  2. How much prep time do I need based on my body's reaction to douching activities?根据我身体的反应需要多少准备时间来进行灌肠呢?

  3. Will I require touch ups prior starting a play session?在开始前我需要重新清洗一下吗?

To help answer some of those questions, included below is information on Diet, Tools, and Techniques (my own and those from several experts).

Digestive Activity



  • 拳交或其他活动会持续超过四五个小时

  • 在整个活动进行中没有可用的清理设施

  • 你的玩法需要第三级灌肠/清理

  • 深拳交到上臂或肩膀深度


Even if some of the above items are true, it may still not require a modification of your diet or even a fast. Only you will know how your body processes food. Refer to the timing table to help determine how to modify your diet.

Monitor your hydration and electrolyte balance on the day of your fisting. Your fast and douche technique can result in a depletion of essential minerals and fluids. After your session is over, help yourself to a banana to restore potassium or to yogurt to help restore culture to your intestine (even though it's nearly impossible to douche out your existing culture).



Cleaning out involves knowing your body well, including patterns in your digestive activity.





From a scientific standpoint, it usually takes thirty-three hours for food to pass all the way through the system; however, this varies based on your diet. Starchy foods take longer than fruits and vegetables, and dairy foods and meat elongate the the timing of your bowel movements. Once food reaches the small intestine, it follows the first-in, first out rule (there are no passing lanes).

Your normal body clock also plays a key roll as peristalsis can be triggered by waking up in the morning or by eating a meal.

For depth fisting, you should consider when to douche based on your diet, the time of day, the planned depth (forearm, elbow, bicep, armpit), your technique, and the approximate time of your sexual activity.

Type of Food


Small Intestine

Large Intestine


15 - 30 Minutes

15 - 30 Minutes

15 - 30 Minutes


20 - 40 Minutes

1 - 3 Hours

2 - 4 Hours


30 - 60 Minutes

2 - 4 Hours

2 - 4 Hours


1.5 to 3 Hours

3 - 8 Hours

10 - 24 Hours


1.5 to 5 Hours

2 - 8 Hours

6 - 18 Hours


.5 to 5 Hours

6 - 8 Hours

10 - 24 Hours

*Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Grains


  1. Category: Cleansing

第一级 - 浅表清理Douche Level 1 - Cleaning for Shallow Depths

Supply Warehouse设施及工具

  • Preferred: Showershot with shallow nozzle 推荐: 带较短喷嘴的冲洗头

  • Preferred: Fleet enema 推荐:灌肠剂

  • Acceptable: Disposable douche or portable bulb 可用:一次性灌肠器或球状灌肠器

  • Optional: Lube 可选:润滑油

Goals, Purpose & Duration 目标意图和持续时间

  • Goal: Cleansing of anal canal and rectum 过程目标:清洗肛管和肠道

  • Purpose: Shallow-fisting 目的:浅度拳交

  • Duration: 3 to 10 Minutes 用时:3-10分钟

Print these instructions View the demonstration

Steps / Procedure

  1. Prepare the cleaning area:


Attach the appropriate nozzle to your showershot. If desired, apply lube to nozzle.


  • Adjust shower temperature to 70°F / 21°C.

  • 调整水温到21摄氏度

  • Adjust pressure to a slow to moderate flow (WARNING: high flows can damage your insides).

  • 调整水流的压力,到稳定的中等流速(注意:水流过大的话,可能会弄伤身体内部)

  • Take a first pass at the anal canal and rectum: 第一步来冲洗肛门和直肠部分


In your most comfortable position (laying, sitting, or standing), insert the enema and empty it's contents into your fist chute.用最舒服的姿势(躺,坐,站立)注入润滑剂并且清空第一节肠道

  • Wait several minutes and expel (in either toilet or drain).等几分钟然后排出

  • In the same position, insert the douche two to three inches deep.用同样的姿势,灌深5-8厘米

  • Squeeze down on the douche tube or nozzle (keigel) to retain the water being introduced into your hole.挤压灌肠管或喷头保持水进入洞里。

  • Rotate the douche in every direction, taking as much water as possible.轮流冲洗每个方向,尽量用能承受的最多的水。

  • Empty the excess water introduced into your rectum (in either toilet or drain).排干肠道里多余的水分

  • Finalize the cleanse:完成清洗

* Repeat the douching portion of step two multiple times but increase the depth each time until five or six inches into the fist chute. Do not enter the sigmoid.重复第二步多次,每次深一些,直到10-16厘米的第一肠道。不要进入乙状结肠

  • With each expulsion, monitor the water color. Once discharge is clear, fill the rectum with water.每次排出时,监测水的颜色。一旦排泄物清除,就给直肠注满水。

  • Jump, dance, or jiggle to swish the water around your chute, keeping it inside as long as possible.跳跃、跳舞或摇摆以使水在肠道里摆动,尽可能长时间地保持在肠内。

  • Expel the water. If clean, you are ready for a shallow fisting.排干水,如果干净了就可以准备浅拳交

Advice and Tips 建议和技巧

If you are squeamish about fecal material, you may want to expel the fluid into your commode.如果你觉得排泄物恶心,你可能想把液体排到马桶里。

If you find that you are leaking water during your fist or fuck sessions, introduce a dildo into your cleaning routine to open your hole (common practice in Douche - Level 2 and Douche - Level 3).如果在拳交过程中出水,试着在灌肠时插入假鸡鸡来打开菊花(常用做法在第二级和第三级)

With this level of douche, you should not try to go extremely deep. Deeper is definitely not better. Remember the anatomy of the fist chute. You are only going to need to clear the rectum. If you get too high, then the fecal materal in the sigmoid will become watery and leak into the rectum. This leakage will continue throughout your fisting session and will likely cause an early termination of play.在这个级别的灌肠里,你不应该试着进入更深的地方。不是越深越好。记住解剖学中的第一肠道。你只清晰了外肠道,如果玩嗨了可能乙状结肠里的东西会跟水一起漏到肠子里。漏粪会持续整个拳交过程,,,可能会提早结束玩耍。

Some guys will need a refresher douche immediately before play, especially if you douched too deep for a shallow fisting.一些人需要在开始前重新冲洗一下,特别是在浅度拳交时灌深了

Douche Level 2 - Cleaning for Elbow Depths为了肘部的深度灌肠

Supply Warehouse

  • Preferred: Showershot with irrigator nozzle 热水淋浴和喷头

  • Acceptable: Portable showershot with long douche nozzle 可动式淋浴和长管灌洗喷头

  • Preferred: 18 inch doubleheaded dildo, standard width 18英寸(45cm)双头龙 标准宽度

  • Ideal: Medium-sized Goose dildo 中等大小鹅(?)假鸡鸡

  • Acceptable: 9 inch single headed dildo, standard width 27厘米单头假鸡鸡 标准宽度

  • Optional: Lube 润滑油

Goals, Purpose & Duration

  • Goal: Cleansing up to the transverse colon 清洗横结肠

  • Purpose: Elbow-depth fisting 肘部深度的拳交

  • Duration: 10 to 20 Minutes 10-20分钟

Print these instructions

View the demonstration

Steps / Procedure

Steps / Procedure

  1. Prepare the cleaning area:

  2. Attach the appropriate nozzle to your showershot. If desired, apply lube to nozzle.准备合适喷头,需要的话润滑喷头

  3. Adjust shower temperature to 70°F / 21°C. 21摄氏度

  4. Adjust pressure to a slow to moderate flow (WARNING: high flows can damage your insides).合适的水流速度

  5. Cleanse the anal canal and rectum:

  6. In your most comfortable position (laying, sitting, or standing), insert the douche two to three inches deep.用最舒服的姿势(躺,坐,站立)注入清空第一节肠道

  7. Squeeze down on the douche to retain the water being introduced into your hole.挤压喷头让水完全进入

  8. Rotate the douche in every direction, taking as much water as possible.不同角度,试着更多的水

  9. Empty the excess water introduced into your rectum (in either toilet or drain).排干肠道内的水

  10. Repeat as needed until expulsion is clear, inserting the nozzle to a maximum of six inches.重复这些直到排出的液体干净了,最多让喷头进入6英寸。

  11. Cleanse the sigmoid and descending colon: 清洗乙状结肠和降结肠

  12. Repeat step three multiple times but insert the nozzle the full five or six inches to the base of the nozzle. With each expulsion, monitor the water color.重复步骤三但是使喷头完全进入5-6英寸。每次排出检查水的颜色

  13. Once discharge is clear, fill the rectum with water.排干净后重新灌水

  14. Jump, dance, or jiggle to swish the water around your chute, keeping it inside as long as possible.动一动让水活动起来,保持尽可能久的时间

  15. Expel the water. If clean, you are ready for a shallow fisting.排水,干净了就可以浅拳交了

  16. Empty excess water:

  17. Insert the dildo to full depth and complete a thirty to sixty second dildo fuck on yourself.用假唧唧插入,完全进入30-60秒

  18. Squat and remove the dildo. 蹲下然后拔出假唧唧

  19. Monitor expelled water color and repeat steps two and three as needed until clean.观察排出水的颜色,然后重复步骤2-3直到干净

Advice and Tips

Get over your squeamishness regarding fecal material and expel liquid content into your shower. Make sure your drain works well prior to starting a deep cleanse.克服你对粪便的恶心,把液体排出。在开始深度清洁之前,确保排水管工作正常。

Some guys will need a refresher douche and dildo fuck immediately before play to validate cleanliness.有些人会需要开始前重新冲洗,用假阴茎在游戏前验证一下清洁好没有。

At this depth, you may want to trigger peristalsis prior to your play time to make sure you are completely clean. Give yourself an extra hour for cleanout if you do. To trigger peristalsis, insert a butt-plug that replicates 55 Torrs of pressure inside your rectum (at least fist size). Maintain the plug inside you as long as possible doing normal activity outside the shower, then expel and re-douche. You may want to avoid this process if peristalsis terminates your body's ability to take a fist.在这个深度,你可能想要肠道早蠕来确认完全清洗干净了。需要的话给自己多一个小时的时间来清洗。想要引起肠道蠕动,塞入一个能在肠道内造成55托压力的肛塞(至少是拳头大小)。尽可能久得塞着肛塞,在室外正常活动,然后排出再冲洗一次。如果这个过程让你没法用力(握拳),你可能会想避免这个过程

Douche Level 3 - Cleaning for Pit Depths深度灌肠

  • Supply Warehouse

  • Preferred: Colon snake 结肠长度的双头龙

  • Acceptable: Showershot with depth nozzle 淋浴和可以深的喷头

  • Preferred: 18 inch doubleheaded dildo, standard width 45厘米双头龙,标准长度

  • Ideal: Medium-sized Goose dildo 中等大小的鹅唧唧

  • Optional: Immodium 泻立停 止泻药

  • Optional: Lube 润滑油

  • Goals, Purpose & Duration

  • Goal: Cleansing of transverse colon 清洗横结肠

  • Purpose: Pit depth fisting or 12 hour play sessions 深度拳交或需要12小时的拳交过程

  • Duration: 20 to 60 Minutes 20到60分钟

Steps / Procedure

  1. If possible, defecate prior to entering cleaning area.可以的话再开始前排便

  2. Prepare the cleaning area:

* Attach the appropriate nozzle to your showershot. If desired, apply lube to nozzle.

  • Adjust shower temperature to 70°F / 21°C.

  • Adjust pressure to a slow to moderate flow (WARNING: high flows can damage your insides).

  • Complete a Level 1 and Level 2 douche. 先完成第一级和第二级的灌肠

  • Fill the transcending colon:

* Lay yourself down on your right side in the cleaning area.在舒服的地方躺下

  • Insert the colon snake douche to full depth (36 inches minimum). 完全插入colon snake(细软的双头龙 至少36英寸 91厘米)

  • Fill the colon with liquid and remove the douche either completely.用液体注满肠道,然后完全排除

  • Stand up, jump, and twist to swish the water around your transcending colon.站起来,跳跃扭动让水在横结肠内活动

  • Enjoy a relaxing shower for five to ten minutes.冲5-10分钟淋浴放松

  • Empty the transcending colon:

* In a standing position, massage your stomach in a worm-like fashion from left to right just above your belly button.站立,从左到右,从肚脐上方开始像蠕动一样按摩你的胃部

  • Lie down on your right side and repeat the massage in the same fashion and direction.右侧躺下,继续重复按摩

  • Dildo-fuck the living hell out of yourself (alternating between the Goose and full 18 inch insertion) for three to five minutes.假鸡鸡抽插(交替用鹅鸡鸡和18英寸)3-5分钟

  • Repeat your Level 2 douche in order to expel the contents from the descending colon.为了清洗降结肠,重复第二级灌肠

  • Repeat steps four and five until the expelled water is clear.重复第四到第五部直到排出的水干净

  • Take immodium to temporarily stall all peristalsis until your session is over.吃止泻药来拖住肠道蠕动直到整个过程(应该指拳交过程)结束

Advice and Tips

You may need a refresher Level 2 douche immediately before play.在开始前你可能需要重复第二级清洗

Diet is especially important for pit depth fisting. And hydration with electrolytes (Gatorade) is also imperative when emptying colon at this depth.饮食在深度拳交时很重要,补充电解质(佳得乐)在肠道清空时同样重要

Advice and Tips from the Pros 专家的建议和小提示


The following tools can be used to clean out:

  • [Pharmaceuticals](javascript:HideAllShowOne('pharmaceuticals'))

  • [Bulbs](javascript:HideAllShowOne('bulbs'))

  • [Shots](javascript:HideAllShowOne('shots'))

  • [Nozzles](javascript:HideAllShowOne('nozzles'))

Select a category of tools for additional information.

Pharmaceuticals 网络资料

Pharmaceutical items include oral anti-diarrheal medication, anal suppositories, and oral/anal laxatives.






Anal/Rectal suppositories are a small, wax-like (1 inch | 2.5cm) objects that are inserted into the anal canal. Once inside, they melt and deliver a laxative.

var mySIndex = 0; suppositorycarousel(); function suppositorycarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySuppositorySlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } mySIndex++; if (mySIndex > x.length) {mySIndex = 1} x[mySIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(suppositorycarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

The distribution of the laxative is rapid, and fluid is almost immediately drawn back into the lower intestine. The increased fluid results in increased bulk and an increase in pressure (Torrs) within the rectum. The rectum and sigmoid then expel their contents, often at a faster pace than normal laxatives.

Like regular laxatives, they decrease the control you have over your bodily functions. Your body may take minutes or hours to finally expel all of your intestinal contents and the triggering chemicals from the suppository. This could negatively affect any immediate play sessions.

Douching will be required to clean any remaining fecal material from your system.

Pricing: $3 - $10 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Ducolax

  • Generic brands

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness





Oral laxatives speed up peristalsis to expel stool at a faster rate than normal digestive timing.

var myLXIndex = 0; laxativecarousel(); function laxativecarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myLaxativeSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myLXIndex++; if (myLXIndex > x.length) {myLXIndex = 1} x[myLXIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(laxativecarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

There are four categories of oral laxatives and WebMD has a great article on how they work. For fisting, stick with the fiber laxatives and avoid the remaining three categories unless you have experimented with them and know exactly how your body reacts to them (their side effects during a session may introduce complications and extra shit that will decrease your play time).

You may also want to consider a Zinc supplement to bind fecal material together, decreasing the amount of tissue paper you need to use after you defecate.

Pricing: $3 - $10 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Citrucel

  • Metamucil

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness





Anti-diarrheals temporarily slow the automatic movement (peristalsis) in the intestine, causing delays in the time it takes food and liquid to complete the digestive processes.

var ADIndex = 0; antidiarrhealscarousel(); function antidiarrhealscarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myAntidiarrhealSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } ADIndex++; if (ADIndex > x.length) {ADIndex = 1} x[ADIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(antidiarrhealscarousel, 8000); // Change image every 2 seconds }

When used in combination with other clean out tools/methods, their use can result in longer sessions of uninterrupted play.

Take after completing your full douche routine as you still need some stomach movement to help in your cleanout routine. The active ingredient takes about an hour to kick in, depending upon your biology, and will last three to four hours.

Pricing: $3 - $10 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • ImmodiumAD

  • Pepto Bismol

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness




Bulbs include disposable enemas and douches. The market for reusable douche bulbs has attracted adult product vendors to re-imagine and redesign the old female douche bulb.



Disposable Enema


Single-use disposable enemas introduce four to eight ounces of fluid into the rectum.

var myBulbIndex = 0; bulbcarousel(); function bulbcarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myDisposableSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myBulbIndex++; if (myBulbIndex > x.length) {myBulbIndex = 1} x[myBulbIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(bulbcarousel, 2000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

After injection, the combination of increased volume and laxative causes expulsion of rectal contents. Multiple refills are needed for full cleanliness.

Disposable enemas are readily available in pharmacies. Plastic water bottles (without the cap) can even be used as a substitute in a pinch.

Most disposables are pre-filled with sodium phosphate, mineral oil, or saline. They can easily be refilled with water.

Pricing: $3 - $7 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Fleet

  • Generic

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness



Douche Bulbs 灌肠器(球状的)


Refillable douche bulbs introduce 6 to 15 oz of fluid into the fist chute and are easily portable for touch up and remote cleaning. They can be also be filled with lubrication and emptied into the ass for slicker depth play.

var myDBIndex = 0; douchebulbcarousel(); function douchebulbcarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myDouchebulbSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myDBIndex++; if (myDBIndex > x.length) {myDBIndex = 1} x[myDBIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(douchebulbcarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

Douche bulbs can be purchased in the feminine hygiene area for actual douching, or they can be purchased from specialty stores for anal douches.

Unfortunately, bulbs can introduce air/gas into the intestinal tract which may cause some inflexibility and blockage when fisting, especially around loops and bends.

Pricing: $5 - $40 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Perfect Fit

  • Fort Troff

  • Enemasupply

  • Colt

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness




Shots include high-volume flow tools such as enemas, shower shots, and portable shower shots.






Enemas are typically a closed system, where a fluid-filled container, tube, and gravity empty water into the fist chute.

var myEnemaIndex = 0; enemacarousel(); function enemacarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myEnemaSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myEnemaIndex++; if (myEnemaIndex > x.length) {myEnemaIndex = 1} x[myEnemaIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(enemacarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

A flush enema clears fecal material immediately while a retention enema scrubs a little before expulsion. See Home Enemas: How and Why.

Enema bags are easily explained to prying eyes, whether travelling through airport security or storing at home.

Because of the gradual introduction of water, clean out times are long and routines are complex, especially for depth fisting.

Pricing: $5 - $20 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Amazon

  • Enemasupply

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness



Shower Shots


Shower shots attach to a water source and allow for adjusting of flow for extensive, rapid cleaning.

var mySSIndex = 0; showershotcarousel(); function showershotcarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myShowershotSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } mySSIndex++; if (mySSIndex > x.length) {mySSIndex = 1} x[mySSIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(showershotcarousel, 2000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

Shots can be conveniently attatched to existing shower heads or existing hand held units. They use the principles of modern plumbing to supply water for injection.

With the appropriate nozzle (and there are many different options), clean out is fast and effective.

Recent innovations include shots that connect to your toilet supply valve, so a full shower is no longer necessary to clean out the fist chute.

Pricing: $20 - $50 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Cleanstream

  • Perfect Fit

  • Amazon

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness



Portable Shots


Portable shots are a hybrid between enemas and showershots.

var PSIndex = 0; portablecarousel(); function portablecarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myPortablesSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } PSIndex++; if (PSIndex > x.length) {PSIndex = 1} x[PSIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(portablecarousel, 8000); // Change image every 2 seconds }

These shots slip over the showerhead to divert flow into an 'enema-like' bag. Gravity then injects the water into the fist chute. Occassionally, flow can be interrupted because your anatomy may block the nozzle.

When not in use, they can easily be stored out of site; however, to prevent mold growth, the shot should be allowed to dry completely before final storage.

Pricing: $50 - $100 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Ergoflo

  • Fort Troff

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness




Showershots and bulbs need nozzles to introduce fluid into the fist chute. Nozzles include shallow/depth nozzles, irrigators, and colon tubes.






Basic nozzles have three defining characteristics: length, firmness, and material.

var myBIndex = 0; basiccarousel(); function basiccarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myBasicSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myBIndex++; if (myBIndex > x.length) {myBIndex = 1} x[myBIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(basiccarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

Sizes vary from short (about 2 inches | 5cm) to long (about 20 inches | 50cm). The most common size nozzle measures 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12cm).

Basic nozzles are firmer than irrigators and colon tubes. They lack the flexibility needed for deeper insertions. They are most effective in the rectum and lower sigmoid colon.

These nozzles can be made of stainless steel, aluminum, rubber, latex, plastic, and silicone.

Pricing: $10 - $40 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Ergoflo

  • Cleanstream

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness





Irrigator nozzles are defined by longer lengths, greater flexibity, and water infusion methodology.

var myIRIndex = 0; irrigatorcarousel(); function irrigatorcarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myIrrigatorSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myIRIndex++; if (myIRIndex > x.length) {myIRIndex = 1} x[myIRIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(irrigatorcarousel, 8000); // Change image every 4 seconds }

These nozzles measure between 10 inches (25cm) and 20 inches (50cm). The extended length reaches deeper into the fist chute. Less rigid materials such as silicone, rubber, or latex are used in the design.

Another defining feature is water injection. These nozzles irrigate from sides and sometimes the tip of the nozzle. This allows the folds of the deeper fist chute to be washed cleaner before depth plunges.

Pricing: $30 - $50 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Sportfucker

  • Fort Troff

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness



Colon Tubes


Colon tubes are the final class of nozzles. A majority of fisters do not use colon tubes because they aren't seeking bicep- and pit-depth insertions.

var CTIndex = 0; colontubecarousel(); function colontubecarousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myColontubeSlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } CTIndex++; if (CTIndex > x.length) {CTIndex = 1} x[CTIndex-1].style.display = "block"; setTimeout(colontubecarousel, 8000); // Change image every 2 seconds }

The extended length of these tubes introduces water into the transverse colon. Lengths run 25 to 40 inches (60 to 100cm). The deep injection of water causes extended cleanout time.

The most effective colon tubes are made of medical grade silicone and have some girth to them to prevent folding back on themselves inside the fist chute.

Pricing: $70 - $500 USD

Finn's Evaluation & Recommendations


Suggested Brands:

  • Siliconenozzles

General Effectiveness

Depth Effectiveness



  • [Pharmaceuticals](javascript:HideAllShowOne('pharmaceuticals'))

  • [Bulbs](javascript:HideAllShowOne('bulbs'))

  • [Shots](javascript:HideAllShowOne('shots'))

  • [Nozzles](javascript:HideAllShowOne('nozzles'))

References / See Also

The following source materials provided content (direct quotes or research data) for this page:

Update History

These updates have been made to this page:

  • 11/23/2017: Major enhancements to Tools section; new section on Your Douching Routine; reapplication of styles for Techniques section.

  • 05/27/2017: Applied new stylesheets.

  • 03/15/2016: Published

Planned enhancements for this page include the following items:

  • Add animated .gifs

  • Add video demonstrations

  • Add vendor purchasing list in Tools section

© Fist Club | 2016 ☷☷ Help Wanted ☷☷ Content Violations?

Storytime: My First Douche

The narrative about my first clean out

Even though... I'd lost my virginity years prior, and...

Even though... I'd had sex with a half-dozen guys, and...

Even though... I'd had a live-in boyfriend for several years...

I had never heard of cleaning out. This all changed in Metarie, LA with a guy named Evan. Evan and I met on Manhunt™ several weeks prior to our first physical encounter. The delay in hooking up was due to a couple of things:

  1. The 70 mile trek between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, and...

  2. My general inexperience in the gay universe—I was still very young and curious, and most of my sexual encounters to that point had been with guys that were 'New to this thing' (like me).

Evan eventually invited me to New Orleans for an evening play date. I gladly made a trip to New Orleans, spending a day in the French Quarter seeing the sights, and then stopping in for an evening play session with him.

Once I arrived at his house, we exchanged small talk, made out, and then he asked if I had prepared.

'Prepared? Sure, I guess, I mean, I think so.' I stuttered.

'I mean, have you cleaned out?'

He must have noticed the puzzled look on my face, so he continued.

'By that, I mean douching, so your ass is clean—cause I'm going to fuck the hell out of you.'

'I don't know what that means. I've never douched.' I said, slightly embarrassed.

'No worries, I'll show you the ropes.'

Instead of throwing me out the door, he grabbed me by the hand, led me to the bathroom, got down on his knees, and rooted around beneath the sink: out came a box of Fleet enemas.

Sensing my uneasiness, he introduced some foreplay into the routine. He pulled me down, and we made out for a bit before stripping each other naked. Then he had me roll over. Before I knew it, I was laying on my left side with a disposable enema being emptied into my ass. He refilled the enema and emptied it two more times before I needed to expel the water. Fortunately, I was clean.

He asked, 'Are you always that way?'

Without even thinking, I replied: 'Usually. About 90% of the time, I suppose.'

'Your hole must be tight and talented!' he quipped back.

And even though... I hadn't learned sexual vocabulary such as 'hole' and 'tight', nor did I understand the implications of what he was saying, I responded.

'I guess we'll find that out shortly!'

We then fucked like dogs. If there was any Hell inside me, he fucked every last bit of it out.
